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ATM Management and Monitoring Software

Management and monitoring of ATMs is something for which KAL software is well equipped. As providers of remotely operated ATM technology, KAL’s management and monitoring software solutions are designed to offer automated update services and remote diagnostics. KAL’s software solutions are hardware-independent, which allows them to run on various hardware platforms from different vendors. This is essential when large institutions merge and need to create a single, cohesive self-service network.

Easy ATM management and ATM monitoring using an integrated standardised ATM software solution

KAL’s Kalginite Terminal Controller offers an inclusive ATM management platform, which would previously have needed to run on several individual systems. KTC enables remote control over self-service systems and provides an enterprise-wide total solution for securely managing networks of ATM and kiosk systems of all sizes. KTC can help reduce the cost of ATM operations by reducing the need for maintenance staff, instead using remote diagnostics to diagnose and solve software issues. It also upholds the security of the network with the automatic delivery and installation of security patches and system updates. Click on the Products page to learn more about the unique benefits of KAL management software.