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We recently invited ATM professionals to share insights for the 2024/5 edition of our top-rated ATM & Self-Service Software Trends Report. Our survey is now closed and we are compiling data from hundreds of responses. 

2024 ATM Software Trends Survey

This year’s survey topics ranged from ATM user experiences to AI

Creating the questions for our annual survey is always a challenging task – particularly as the responses we receive are so instrumental to our final report. This year’s survey incorporated a wider and more forward-looking variety of topics than ever, including: 

  • ATM user experiences
  • UI enhancements
  • Cash management strategies
  • ATM fraud
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Managed services

The insights we have gathered on these topics so far will help to steer our broader industry research as the year progresses.

Celebrating 17 years of world-class research

Empowering banks, IADs and all other ATM industry stakeholders is something we consistently enjoy – even as this research project approaches its 17th year. Drawing key observations from our survey results and others credible sources, we will publish the 2024/5 edition of our ATM & Self-Service Software Trends Report in November 2024.

As always, this report will be free to download, with compliments from KAL and ATM Marketplace.