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Kalignite delivers innovative new banking transactions in Thailand

KAL and Tisco Bank of Thailand worked together to deliver innovative new transactions on banking kiosks in Thailand. The Tisco banking kiosks, which are installed nationwide, include Smartcard and ePurse transactions, as well as payment transactions for utility bills, insurance, mutual funds, loan instalments and more. Tisco’s Kalignite kiosks communicate with multiple hosts simultaneously to perform these transactions, thereby simplifying the back-end integration complexity for the bank while carrying the transactional workload on the kiosk itself.

Additionally, in what is probably a world first, the kiosk application also doubles up as a teller station solution inside Tisco’s bank branches. The flexibility of the Kalignite kiosk application allowed Tisco to use it at the bank’s teller stations to perform the same set of transactions for teller-assisted customer transactions with a modified transaction flow.

In order to keep Tisco’s kiosk costs under control, KAL integrated its application with off-the-shelf kiosk devices purchased directly by Tisco from some of the leading component vendors in the world. Tisco hired a local company to carry out the final hardware integration while KAL delivered all the necessary software including the XFS SPs for this exciting project.

KAL’s groundbreaking development work with Tisco is just another excellent example of how KAL is helping bank customers around the world take back control of their ATM and Kiosk networks.