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Kalignite has supported ATM multivendor cash recycling since 2004

In 2004, Shinsei Bank in Tokyo went live with the world's first multivendor cash recycling ATM application. Recycling ATMs require fewer visits for cash replenishment because the cash deposited into the ATM can be used straight away for the next customer's withdrawal. Fewer replenishment visits mean lower service costs. Shinsei Bank has reduced costs even further by using the Kalignite KTC system to manage its network of recycling ATMs. Remote management by KTC minimises and often eliminates the need for ATM site visits by a technician.

The K3A application at Shinsei Bank is a single software application that operates without modification on five recycling ATM models manufactured by OKI, Fujitsu, and Hitachi. This enables Shinsei Bank to choose the best ATM at the best price for each location, meaning even greater savings for the bank. Not only that, but it was Japan's first ever ATM application with support for the international XFS ATM software standard, making multivendor ATM software possible for the first time.

In fact, the Kalignite Software Platform first supported cash recycling back in 2002 when KAL and Omron worked together on the Omron BH recycler and made it one of the first XFS-compliant recyclers available on the market.